General Conversions when Blending Essential Oils

Size Conversions:
3 teaspoons (tsp) = 1 tablespoon (tbsp)
2 tablespoons (tbsp) = 1 ounce (oz)
6 teaspoons (tsp) = 1 ounce (oz)
5 milliliter (ml) = 1/16 oz
10 milliliter (ml) = 1/3 oz.
15 milliliter (ml) = 1/2 oz.
30 milliliter (ml) = 1 oz.
10 milliliter (ml) = approximately 300 drops
Natural Skin Care Recipes

Natural Homemade Skin Care Recipes
Natural Homemade Skin Care Information
Approximately 1ml is about 25 to 30 drops of Essential Oil; therefore, a 5mL bottle should contain about 125-150 drops and a 10mL bottle should contain about 250-300 drops.
All homemade beauty recipes and content on this website are intended as general and recreational information only, Use these recipes, information and ideas at your own risk.

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How to use Essential Oils for Natural Skin Care Recipes, best essential oils for skin care
When it comes to using essential oils in homemade natural bath and body products there's one saying that means a lot... Less is Best. Just because these little miracle oils are loaded with health benefits doesn't mean the more the better.

These are highly concentrated formulas that must be used with care and with plenty of knowledge. Some shouldn't be used on pregnant women. Some need to be avoided if you have certain health concerns. You must always do your research on a particular oil you wish to use to find out if there are any precautions or advisories.

Below are some great tips and advice when using essential oils in your skin care recipes and blends.
When using EOs in skin care blends, less is best! Normal dilution" is 2.5%, or 15 drops essential oil to one ounce ( 2 tablespoons) of carrier oil. Read all about using carrier oils in skin care recipes.
How much Essential oils to use in homemade skin care recipes
The above is a general guideline. Some EOs must be used in lesser amounts. Some you can use in generous amount. But no more then 15 drops per 2 tablespoons in a guideline that is widely used. Always read the bottle for suggested use.
Precautions when using Essential Oils:
  • Please remember that almost no essential oil should be applied undiluted to the skin. They should be diluted with a carrier oil, cream or water depending on your skin care recipe or product.

  • Always do a patch test before trying your homemade recipe on your skin. Test for skin sensitivity by doing a patch test. Put a little bit of diluted oil in the bend of your elbow and wait 24 hours to see if itching or redness develop

  • Be cautious about putting essential oils on your skin, particularly citrus oils. They are highly concentrated and can cause serious reactions

  • Store your essential oils away from heat and light. Refrigerate all vegetable oils.. Essential oils don't last forever - a maximum of two years usually. Keep your oils in bottles with tightly closed lids and out of direct light.

  • Particular care must be taken when using essential oils on the young, especially babies, pregnant women and the elderly. The very young and the elderly are probably more likely to be sensitive to essential oils.
HOME >>  Essential Oils in Skin Care
  • Normal dilution is 2.5%, or 15 drops essential oil to one ounce ( 2 tablespoons) of carrier oil. For spot treatments, intensive skin treatments

  • Low Dilution by 1%-1.5%  or 6-9 drops per 1 tablespoon oil Everyday usages like facial cleansers, serums moisturizers, most skin care blends should stick to this ration

  • Extremely low Dilution by 0.5% or 3 drops in 1 tablespoon of carrier oil Sensitive skins, eye treatments